Saturday, June 16, 2012

A piece of coal...

I listen every day to people talk about those evil oil companies. How friends of the republicans are rich guys who want to cut the earth open until she bleeds, pull out rapidly-diminishing resources, and kill all the fish in the oceans in a rush to eat things with eyes. This blog will be a place I talk about things that I feel are important. I will provide links to stories, so you can do your own research, and never take me on my typed word. This blog will try to accomplish a simple thing. To bring together Americans that agree with the following things: 1. A balanced budget amendment to the constitution. 2. Getting money out of politics. Removal of tax-exempt status from any organization. Bring an end to non-governmental organizations, or NGOs. 3. Create a term-limits clause to our constitution. No lifetime memberships in the club of power. 4. Withdrawal from the useless global governance attempt called the united nations. Opposition to any local initiative in our country connected in any way to the Marxist and communist-inspired UN Agenda21. I hope someone joins me.

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